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Around the Homestead

Hi! I can’t even remember where I left off at on my last post. I know one week we were enjoying warmth and sunshine, and the next week, WHAM, we had snow and it was cold!

A week before the snow we were picking these.

October Strawberries

And enjoying these.

Strawberry Smoothies

Quentin works an hour and a half away from home and had 18 inches of snow. He closed up at 1:00 on Oct. 30 and got to come home early! We always love when that happens. Since there wasn’t that much snow here we went thrift shopping. We found all kinds of goodies-Christmas glasses, baby bottles for our baby goat, a glass milk container for when we have goats milk, Christmas fabric, and more!

Thrift store goodies

The kids dressed up and went trunk-or-treating on Halloween. It was Madison’s last year. She is tired of begging for candy anyways. 🙂

Madison wore her poodle skirt from a couple of years ago.

McKenzie went as a prairie girl.

Quentin Jr. dressed up as Quentin!

Quentin is on vacation this week so we are taking a break from school. I feel like our school year is moving along wonderfully! We are really enjoying spending the week together. Yesterday, we put down laminate flooring in our bedroom, Friday we will learn to butcher chickens(I am really excited for this), and this weekend we are going to Dollywood to watch their Christmas shows and see the lights.

Laminate flooring in my bedroom.

We are excited for the upcoming holidays. Madison has been working on our Thanksgiving menu, and we have been watching a Christmas movie every night in anticipation for Christmas. Things are starting to slow down, and we are enjoying the peace and quiet.

5 thoughts on “Around the Homestead

  1. Hi, Vicki!
    So glad to hear that you all made it through the storm OK too!! We were fortunate to miss most of it.
    Your kids are so cute dressed up. How cute that your son wanted to dress like his dad. 🙂
    Your new flooring is so pretty! I’m sure you’re enjoying it.
    I hope you all have a fun time at Dollywood!

  2. The strawberries look so good. I hope that you all have a great week off of school. I love the look of the floor in your bedroom. Someday I hope that we can do that in our house.

    Have a wonderful day.


  3. Our weather flip-flopped that quick, but we didn’t get any snow.:( Thrift shopping is one thing I love. You found some nifty items.
    I love your new flooring! It looks really good. We have older wood flooring, and we are so tempted to cover it with laminate, also.
    Your children are adorable!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Your kids look so cute in their costumes. I love your new floors. They will be so easy to clean. Your strawberries look so yummy. I am just finishing up the last of our fresh tomatoes. We planted some late and I just put the beds to rest last night. I can’t believe they have lasted this long. It is cold here today but we haven’t had any snow. I do hope we get some this year. I hope you share Madison’s menu. Have a great day.


  5. I didn’t know you all were going to Dollywood. We need to talk more. Your floor looks great. I know you like it. The strawberries look yummy! Hopefully next year we will have some. I had a great time Friday. Talk to you soon. God bless.

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